I created this cartoon series for a website that allowed me to make up random animations. I decided to do a miniseries that was inspired by the zombie movies series of Day of the Dead movie etc that hinted towards social commentary. So, here is my version. Enjoy! ;)
Episode 1: First Date
Zombies on a first date feel as nervous as we do. Will they get along...?
Episode 2: Second Date
The normies made it to the second date! Sparks and limbs are flying!
Episode 3: RoadKill
The normies zombies are going to Vegas for the weekend!
Episode 4: Social Media
Zombies have to deal with social media- just like us.
Funny Zombies, animated cartoon- The Normies
Episode 6: Careful Campers
The normies go camping! Fred has a good idea to keep away the predators...!